May 9, 2021MAY 2021 With the lockdown in the UK generally easing over this month of May and as the hugely successful vaccine roll-out continues here, more...
Mar 8, 2021MARCH 2021 With both Oxford and Cambridge picking up steam again as the Third UK Lockdown gently winds down, we plan to go back to work on our plans...
Dec 14, 2020DECEMBER 2020 Our LinkedIn Foundation page continues to flourish. A huge thankyou to all those who have responded and sent messages, contact...
Nov 9, 2020NOVEMBER 2020 Next summer, we hope to unveil plans for our new network association of Noon Foundation alumni – we need to come up with a catchy name...
Sep 13, 2020SEPTEMBER 2020 We are pleased to report that we have now reached just over one fifth of all past Noon Scholars as part of our outreach programme,...
Aug 7, 2020AUGUST 2020 We are delighted to report that the Foundation will be supporting one new Noon Scholar at Oxford University and one new student at the...